Tobacco Cessation Program | Human Resources-十大彩票网投平台

Tobacco Cessation Program

The University of South Alabama encourages all employees to adopt healthy lifestyle choices. That effort will benefit you, your family and your fellow employees. The University’s Fringe Benefits Committee recommended, and the University adopted, a tobacco cessation program which is intended to help employees stop using tobacco products. Tobacco use and especially smoking will increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, respiratory diseases such as emphysema and bronchitis, as well as cancer including: lung, throat, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, and leukemia. The benefits from stopping the use of tobacco are almost immediate regardless of how long you have been smoking or using tobacco.

Employees who declare, on the Tobacco Declaration form, that they and their covered spouse do not use tobacco products; and have not used tobacco products within six months, prior to the date on the form, will qualify for a wellness incentive of $50 per month (one per family). The wellness incentive will be applied to the monthly insurance premium.

To obtain information about the Blue Cross Blue Shield - Quit for Life Program call (888) 768-7848. The Program is provided at no cost to employees and covered spouses who want to stop using tobacco products and offers a 24-hour support hotline, customized phone counseling sessions and nicotine replacement patches, gum or lozenges.  

The USA Choice and USA Select Plan pharmacy benefit with Prime Therapeutics provides smoking cessation products with a $0 copay for prescription or over-the-counter medications for up to 180 days supply per calendar year. These benefits are provided in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) preventive drug coverage. Tobacco cessation products may include generic prescription strength nicotine gum, lozenges or patches; and Chantix or Nicotrol.

For additional tobacco cessation resources you may also contact the Employee Assistance Program office at 461-1346.


▼   Tobacco Cessation Resources 

Tobacco Cessation Resources For Faculty, Staff and Administrative Employees

The University is committed to providing healthy learning, working, healthcare, housing and recreational environments for students, patients, faculty, staff and visitors on all campuses.

Faculty, staff and administrative employees interested in tobacco cessation are encouraged to consider the following resources which are immediately available to them.

USA Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - Contact the EAP Counselor at 461-1346

The EAP offers individual counseling sessions on tobacco cessation for employees (and/or spouses). There is no cost to the participant. The sessions are confidential and by appointment only.

USA Health & Dental Plan

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama offers the “Quit For Life” Program for USA Choice and USA Select Plan members and their covered spouses. The program is administered by the American Cancer Society. There are two levels of benefits for this program: counseling only or counseling with nicotine replacement therapy. Counseling consists of the Tobacco Treatment Telephone Counseling, and nicotine replacement therapy is with the use of nicotine patches, gum or lozenges. For additional information, call 1-888-768-7848.

The USA Choice and USA Select Plan pharmacy benefit with Prime Therapeutics provides smoking cessation products with a $0 copay for prescription or over-the-counter medications for up to 180 days supply per calendar year. These benefits are provided in accordance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) preventive drug coverage. Tobacco cessation products may include generic prescription strength nicotine gum, lozenges or patches; and Chantix or Nicotrol.

USA Health

Medical care and advice for faculty and staff is available through USA Physicians Group’s primary care practices. For more information, please visit their web site at

Additional Resources
“QuitNow Alabama” is sponsored by the Alabama Department of Public Health. Visit their web site for further information and to print a “Quit Kit”, or call 1-800-784-8669.

The American Lung Association provides this web site to guide you through articles and preparation for quitting

The National Institute of Health (NIH) sponsors this web site. The site provides articles about the benefits of going tobacco-free, along with quizzes to guide your progression.

The American Lung Association co-sponsors this web site, which has an emphasis on support and dialogue in order to succeed in your tobacco-free lifestyle. Join Freedom From Smoking

This Centers for Disease Control and Prevention site provides articles on the benefits of being tobacco-free and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle